福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
MON 8:54-9:00
2021.11.01[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Apartment Day】
In Japan, November 6th is Apartment Day. For most of us, this might not seem like a thing, but it seems that on this day in 1910, Japan's first wooden apartment was completed in Ueno in Tokyo. It was actually prohibited to construct wooden apartments with three or more floors for a long time, so this building was a big deal. The apartment was called the Ueno Kurabu or Club and was a 5 floor, 70 room apartment with a western style exterior. Located right next to Ueno Park, it was equipped with shared washrooms, bath tubs and telephones and residents paid to use the bath.
The people who lived in the building were mostly civil servants, company employees and teachers and there were no single residents. And it wasn't limited to Japanese residents only, Russian and French people also lived in the building it seems. This wooden apartment could be rented at a reasonable price but noises were surprisingly loud. And when living there, it was important to remember that you were living with others so you had to be careful of doors opening or closing, the sound of walking in the room, and voices in conversation.
In Japan, there is an expression 'Otagai-sama'. It translates as 'mutual' but it means that you and another person are in the same position or situation. If you can hear the sound of someone doing something in another room, then it means they can hear the same when you are moving around. Something important to remember as you enjoy your life in Japan.
【COVID-19 Vaccination information】
Now, I have some important information from Fukuoka City to share with you. Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind. In Fukuoka City, anyone over the age of 12 who is registered as living in the city and is eligible for vaccinations will receive COVID-19 vaccination notice in the mail. If you have not yet been inoculated but hope to do so, please visit the Fukuoka City homepage for information on where you can get your vaccination done.
The vaccine is free. You will be given 2 of the same dose, 3 to 4 weeks apart.
After you receive your vaccination, a sticker will be placed on your vaccination sheet. This shows that you have been vaccinated and which vaccine you have received. This is an important document, so make sure you do not lose it.
For information on vaccinations or to make a reservation, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese, Nepali, Vietnamese and Korean.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19 and Influenza】
With winter coming, the spread of the Flu becomes quite common. And with Covid-19 still being spread, it's possible to get sick with both at the same time.
So, to prevent that, with the same measures you've been taking to prevent the spread of Covid-19, like washing your hands, wearing a mask and keeping enough distance between yourself and others, please continue to do the same to prevent the spread of the Flu.
If you do get sick, to prevent it from becoming a heavy illness, you may want to consider getting the Influenza vaccine as well. If you do plan to get both the vaccine for Covid-19 and the Flu, make sure you get those injections done at least 13 days apart.
2021.10.25[Mon] 09:00
DJ's Recommend(DJのオススメ)
Well, as you know, Sunday, October 31st is Halloween! Yay!
The Origins of Halloween
Halloween is a tradition that originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts that they believed would appear on the night of October 31st. Nowadays, any connections it had to religion are fading and it has become popular in a number of countries as a time when kids dress up in scary costumes and get sweets, and people enjoy scary events like haunted houses and horror shows. In the US, Halloween is a huge event, people seem to start getting ready for it as soon as September ends. I remember getting really excited for caramel-covered apple flavored lollipops and trips to haunted houses and haunted mazes with my friends when I was in high school and university. When I was even younger in elementary school, planning my costume and then going trick or treating was the highlight of the month. The scary thing was when my father would find my candy bag and eat all the Reeses peanut butter cups. He was, and still is, a chocolate monster!
Halloween In Japan
In Japan, various events are held across the country as the holiday has become more popular and many people often hold parties with their friends. And of course, if it's going to be a Halloween Party, dressing up is an absolute must. Of course a witch or monster costume is typically the standard but in recent years, characters from movies and especially in Japan, from anime or games have become inspiration for many costumes. And as each year has passed, there are more and more ideas making Halloween a great time for all.
Costume Trends This Year
So what is this year's costume trend, I wonder. Well, if you take a look at popular anime and movies on now, you'll probably have a good idea. We had the Olympics and Paralympics this year as well, so you might be able to find costume inspiration there. Naturally, you can't go wrong with a witch or monster costume but you could also try a costume based in reality, dressing up to show the humour of every day situations and how scary things can be. Dress up as a Zoom meeting participant still in your pajamas or someone at a supermarket who forgot to bring a shopping bag and is trying to carry every thing with out one. I'm not quite sure what I'll get up to this year, I have enough stuff in my house to put together a Halloween costume, thanks to Halloweens in years past, but I'm not sure that I'll go out. I actually might just have a little dinner party at home with my partner, there are a lot of fun, spooky recipes online to try. I suggest witches fingers, sausage mummies or deviled egg eyeballs if you are looking for some Halloween party foods. Just search online and you'll see what I'm talking about!
Practice the 3 C's This Halloween!
Like last year, Covid-19 still hasn't let up, which is pretty scary in itself, so make sure you practice the 3 C's as you celebrate Halloween this year, the easiest way of doing that is by holding a online party at home. You can get a ton of different Halloween themed sweets and decorations at the supermarket and convenience store these days and food delivery services have increased since last year so it's actually pretty easy to stay at home. Anyway, stay safe and have a great Halloween whether you celebrate with family or friends.
2021.10.18[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー)
【Dive into the printed page with Book Week】
Autumn is the perfect time for curling up with a book as the days get cooler and more comfortable. Speaking of books, Book Week is coming up. It started in 1974 in Japan, based on the Book Week events seen in the US. It was readily accepted and the very next year, it turned into a two week event with Bunka No Hi, or Culture Day on November 3rd, at its center with an owl as a symbol of the event. Actually, the owl, in ancient Greek myths, was the messenger of Athena, the goddess of beauty who also governed scholarship, arts and wisdom. It's said that she held the owl in esteem as a symbol of wisdom with it's round eyes and face. If you're looking for a good book to read but don't have time to go to the bookstore, why not try the Fukuoka City Digital Library. Just register for it online and read your favorite books on your computer, smartphone or tablet. Definitely handy to have when the books you want to read are hundreds of pages thick. I really love the Diana Gabaldon Outlander series, but as the series has gone on the books have gotten thicker. The last one was over 800 pages. Just a bit cumbersome to carry around, on a tablet is so much easier!
【Bicycle Manners】
Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City.
I don't know if you are a regular bicycle rider, I certainly am, but I do know that there are a lot of people on bicycles in the city. And did you know that there are some rules and other things you should know about cycling in the city? I guess quite a few more people have started riding bicycles in an effort to avoid the 3 C's as a result of Covid-19 which is why it's important to know what these rules are.
In Japan, bicycles are supposed to pass on the left side of the road and pedestrians have priority while on the sidewalk. So, when you are on the sidewalk, please pass slowly along the side closest to the road. Also, remember to turn on your headlight at night.
If you leave your bicycle parked on the road not in a designated area, it will be taken away, so always park in a designated area. Another thing to be aware of is that riding side by side is not allowed. Of course, cycling while drunk is definitely prohibited and you must not use umbrellas, mobile phones or earphones while cycling as it is dangerous.
From October, people who cycle in Fukuoka City are required to have bicycle insurance. If you have an accident involving another person,while on your bicycle, you may be be required to pay them quite a bit of money. If you have insurance and do happen to get into an accident, causing injury to another person and requiring treatment, insurance will cover those costs instead of you having to pay out of pocket.
So, make sure you sign up for that insurance, just in case there is an accident and of course, make sure you follow traffic rules when cycling. Take your time and be careful when cycling.
【Bicycle Share Charichari】
Speaking of cycling, in Fukuoka City, there is a bicycle sharing service called Charichari. There are over 370 bicycle ports throughout the city and the service area is growing all the time. You need the Charichari app on your phone, but once you have it you can easily rent one of these bicycles. When you're done with the rental, just return it to your nearest port. It costs 6 yen per minute to borrow a bike so, for example, cycling from Tenjin to Hakata, it would take about 10 minutes costing you about 60 yen. It's cheap, easy and convenient so try it out when you have a chance.
2021.10.11[Mon] 09:00
Japanese(日本語) , Housing(住宅) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽) , Other Topics(その他)
【Osmanthus/Fragrant Olive】
Kinmokusei or Osmanthus fragrans in English, perhaps more commonly know as Fragrant Olive, is in bloom this season, full with it's tiny orange blossoms. You'll probably see it when out walking and will definitely be able to identify it from its sweet smell that fills the air. It's the scent that tells you that fall is right around the corner!
In the past in Japan, this flower was often planted near pit toilets as it was an effective deodorizer. Later, the scent became the standard for toilet air freshening sprays! Perhaps due to that, older generations don't have an overly fond image of the flower. Younger generations however don't have the same association with the flower and tend to enjoy its fragrance.
The flower is actually, also, edible. In China, where the flower is originally from, it is often candied or put into liquors. Yang Guifei, known as one of the 4 beauties of ancient China, was said to drink sake made from Kinmokusei. Hmm, if this was part of her beauty routine then I wonder where can I find some of this sake!
At any rate, it's a flower whose scent can be enjoyed now, just follow your nose!
【Information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation】
【The International Japanese Speech Contest】
Today, we also have information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation.
Have you heard of the International Japanese Speech Contest that they hold every year?Well, this year, it will take place on October 16th. Speeches are given by students from Japanese classes and from Japanese language schools in the Fukuoka Metropolitan area. The topic of the speech is up to the participant and ranges from their experiences living in Fukuoka City to their dreams for the future, of course, delivered in Japanese. If you have a chance, come and support these students and listen to the fruits of their language study labor! You can attend the contest in person on the day or watch the speeches online later! If you are interested, please visit the Fukuoka City International Foundation's website to make reservations to attend or watch the videos of the speeches.
【Call for Applications for International Student Housing: Family Rooms】
Alright, next is the call for Applications for International Student Housing. Currently, there are some student housing family rooms open to applications for international students enrolled at Universities in Fukuoka City or the Fukuoka Metropolitan area. To be considered, applicants must be enrolled in a University and also be willing to participate enthusiastically in projects conducted by the Fukuoka City International Foundation. The lease period is for 2 years and single tenants will also be considered.For more information about the application and other requirements, please visit the Fukuoka City International Foundation's homepage or send an email to dorm@fcif.or.jp with any questions you may have.
【Information on the Mail Magazine】
And now, I want to share a little information about Fukuoka City International Foundation's monthly mail magazine. The magazine, published in English and Japanese, shares news and information about international exchange events and cooperation and is available to everyone! Just search for FCIF in your web browser and sign up on the Foundation's website to receive that valuable information! If you want to know more about the Fukuoka City International Foundation or have any questions, you can contact them during the week between 8:45am and 6pm at 092-262-1799. Again, the phone number is 092-262-1799.
2021.10.04[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Coffee Day】
Did you know that October the first was Coffee Day? I didn't know it and I love coffee. I'm ashamed of myself....
I'm definitely a daily coffee drinker, how about you?
Apparently, coffee first made its way to Nagasaki around 1640 as it was among the most prominent ports of the time. It's said that it was brought by a Dutch merchant who was stationed in Dejima, the only place in Japan that allowed international exchange as Japan had closed itself off from the rest of the world during the period of Sakoku.
However, at that time, only a limited number of people had the opportunity to drink coffee, including officials, merchants, interpreters and geisha as these were the only people who came into contact with the people on Dejima.
Fortunately, now, coffee isn't limited to such a small area or number of people! In recent years, quite a few research presentations have been given on the health benefits of coffee and a lot of this information has been picked up and shared by the media and SNS. You can find a lot of the information about it on the internet yourself, if you are interested in knowing how good your morning brew is for you.
I don't know about you, but after all this talk of coffee this morning, I'm starting to crave a cup and if you are too, you're in luck as Fukuoka city has a number of great coffee shops and cafes scattered throughout the city. There are even shops with baristas who have won world champion brewing competitions! Definitely check them out if you have a chance!We brew a lot at home, there's a whole drawer dedicated to coffee in my kitchen, but I do love getting out to good coffee shops as well!
【COVID-19 Vaccination information】
Now, I have some important information from Fukuoka City to share with you. I hope you have all received your vaccination notices from the city. In Fukuoka City, anyone over the age of 12 who is registered as living in the city should have received a COVID-19 vaccination notice in the mail. When you receive it, make sure that you have received both the vaccination tickets and the preliminary health check documents. If you have not yet received your notice, I will give you the phone number you should call a little later. Also, if the address you are at now is different from the address you registered with the city, make sure you go to your ward office to change that.
Once you have received your notice and made a reservation, you will be able to receive your vaccinations. You will receive 2 doses, 3 to 4 weeks apart. You can receive vaccinations at clinics in the area, at the mass vaccination centers in each ward or at the Chuo Wharf Cruise Center. If you choose to go to the Chuo Wharf Cruise Center, there is a free shuttle bus from Tenjin. There are also late night vaccinations available from 10pm to 8 am at the Fukuoka City Hospital.
If you are planning to get vaccinated, make sure you make your reservation in advance.
Please make sure you reserve a day and time before getting your vaccination.
If you can, make reservations for both your first and second vaccination doses on the special reservation website. If making a reservation online is too difficult, reservations can also be made by phone. In order to make a reservation, you must have the number that is printed on your inoculation ticket.
On the day of your vaccination, make sure you have 1 vaccination ticket and your preliminary exam sheet with you, as well as some kind of ID. The vaccination ticket is a sticker, so bring it as it is, on the sheet that it is attached to. DO NOT remove it from the sheet. You will use one preliminary exam sheet and one vaccination sticker at each appointment. So make sure you read the instruction manual before your appointment and fill in all necessary information in advance.
You will be given the vaccine in an area around your shoulder, so make sure you are wearing clothes that allow you to expose your shoulder area easily. Make sure you come wearing a mask.
The prepared number of vaccines must be used on the day, so unless you are feeling ill, please do not suddenly cancel your appointment.
After you receive your vaccination, a sticker will be placed on your vaccination sheet. This shows that you have been vaccinated and is an important document, so make sure you do not lose it.
For information on places that are doing inoculations and for the most up to date information from Fukuoka City, check the Fukuoka City homepage.
For more information about the vaccination program or to arrange for your envelope to be sent again, please call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese and Korean.
It will not cost anything to you to get vaccinated. You will not receive a bill for the vaccination. In addition, you will not get phone calls or emails asking for personal information. Please be careful, there have been suspicious phone calls and emails recently.
2021.09.27[Mon] 09:00
2021.09.20[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
So without further ado, let's get to our first topic today, mushrooms!
So many foods come into season in the autumn, but the ones that should come straight to mind are mushrooms. Although they might not seem all that luxurious compared to meat or fish, in fact, they are a pretty amazing food.
Shiitake, shimeji, maitake, eringi, enoki...there are so many varieties of mushrooms that the list goes on. And among them is Matsutake, the king of autumn flavor, or so they say. It's a flavorful, fragrant mushroom and is often sold at premium prices as a luxury ingredient.
Although many in Japan love the matsutake, it does have a rather unique aroma that might be off-putting to some.
Across the board, mushrooms are typically low in calories but high in fiber and vitamin D. If you're on a diet or if you need a little help with keeping your digestive system moving, then you'll definitely want to add mushrooms to the menu.
And although mushrooms often get lumped with vegetables, they're actually fungi with over 10,000 species in nature. I am a huge mushroom fan, possibly Hobbit level for those of you who know. I'm not sure I have a favorite though, each kind is unique and delicious and has its place in recipes. Take portobello, they're huge and chunky and great as burgers or topped with cheese. Enoki wrapped in pork belly and grilled, button mushrooms raw on salad, eringi battered and fried, shiitake in a nice hot pot. I love them all!
【Tuberculosis Prevention Week】
Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City to share.
The week of September 24th to the 30th is Tuberculosis Prevention Week.Tuberculosis is a disease that causes inflammation of the lungs mainly by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is an infectious disease that is transmitted person to person.
In 2020, 149 people in Fukuoka City were diagnosed with tuberculosis.
Symptoms of tuberculosis include coughing, phlegm, fever, bloody phlegm, chest pain, lethargy, night sweats and/or weight loss. In the beginning, it does resemble the common cold.
If you've noticed that you've had a cough for over two weeks, have had a lot of phlegm, you've felt lethargic or you've suddenly lost weight, please see a medical professional for an exam as soon as possible. The earlier it is detected, the earlier it can be treated preventing it from becoming a serious illness. It is important to prevent spreading illness to family, friends and those at the workplace who are important to us.
Even if you are infected, tuberculosis does not always develop, however if your body cannot fight the tubercle bacillus, over time, an infection may develop.
If you are diagnosed with tuberculosis, you can fight it off by taking the proper medicine every day according to your doctor's orders.
And, to prevent the spread or start of infections, make sure you get plenty of sleep, eat a good, balanced diet and get enough exercise. Making an effort every day to live healthily is the most effective prevention.
In Fukuoka City, there is the Fukuoka City Medical Interpreting Call Center service available if you do need to find a hospital or need some advice. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The phone number for that service is 092-733-5429. Again, that number is 092-733-5429. Interpretation is available in 20 different languages.
2021.09.13[Mon] 09:00
【Protecting Animals】
This week, our topic is focused on being kind to animals. In fact, there is a Be Kind to Animals week from the 20th to the 26th of September. The week was created with the idea to deepen people's understanding and interest in animal welfare and proper breeding. It's also a great opportunity to think about how to protect animals. Take for example if you have a dog or a cat. You should consider how you would need to protect your pet in the case of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or heavy rain and perhaps even practice what you would do.
If you are thinking about getting a pet someday, checking animal protection group websites is a good way to get the information you need.
In Fukuoka City, the Eastern Animal Protection Management Center, also known as Animal Port, and the Home Animal Enlightenment Center, more commonly known as the Fukuoka-do-butsu-soudanshitsu, are two facilities to check. They work to protect and manage animals in the hopes of creating a symbiotic society in which humans and animals are in harmony.
I've got two cats at home and have worked to find homes for other rescued cats. Personally, I recommend adopting rescue pets if you can. There are many animals out there looking for caring homes. If you are new to having a pet, some of it is trial and error but if you listen to your pet and pay attention, I think you'll do just fine. I love having cats, they have such unique personalities and quirks and bring a lot of joy to my house.
【Introducing the Tutor Program】
Now I have some information from Fukuoka City International Center about the Tutor Program. This will be useful for those of you who are struggling with letters from school and other places because you can't understand what is written in Japanese. The “Tutor Program” is a one on one service that will match you with a tutor that you can contact online. You'll be able to ask this tutor to give you simple translations of letters from school or other documents from places like the ward office. You can also ask them for advice on daily living.
If you are a foreign resident of Fukuoka City and think you will be able to communicate with a tutor online, then you are eligible for the program. The program will usually cost 500 yen per month but until November of this year, it is free!
【The Japanese Chatting Salon】
I've also got information for any international students who are studying in Fukuoka. Do you about the monthly Japanese Chatting Salon? Using Zoom, international students and Japanese volunteers meet one on one or in small groups to talk about topics that interest them. If you are looking for a chance to use daily Japanese as well as practice the Japanese you've learned in class, or just want to chat with a native Japanese speaker, then definitely join in! The sessions are free and the next session will be held online on September 30th.
To learn more about the programs mentioned today or to make a reservation, please visit the Fukuoka City International Foundation's website or call the Foundation. The number to call is 092-262-1799. Again that number is 092-262-1799. Phone calls will be accepted from 8:45am to 6pm
on weekdays. Definitely check it out!
2021.09.06[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【The New Rice Season】
Thank you for joining me again this morning. Speaking of the morning, what did you have for breakfast? Perhaps now that you're living in Japan it was a nice steaming hot bowl of rice? As you may know, rice is Japan's staple dish. And every year, from July, you can enjoy the new rice harvest, although to be honest, the real new rice season starts in the autumn. You'll see rice from Tohoku and Hokkaido appearing on the shelves from October.
If you've got a bag of new rice, here's a few pointers to steaming it deliciously. First, don't rinse it too vigorously. Use a little less water than normal and as soon as it's done steaming, loosen it up with the rice scoop. I've made the mistake of using the regular amount of water a few times and ending up with soupy rice....
Yume-tsukushi, Genki-tsukushi and Hino-hikari are the three types of rice produced in Fukuoka prefecture. If you have a chance, definitely try some of the new rice this season, it's just a little sweet and a nice treat. My favorite way to eat rice is with some kimchi and korean seaweed. It's simple but delicious. If I'm feeling fancy, I like a fried egg with a little sesame seed and soy sauce on top of the rice. How do you like to eat your rice?
【COVID-19 Vaccination information】
Now, I have some important information from Fukuoka City to share with you. I hope you have all received your vaccination notices from the city. In Fukuoka City, anyone over the age of 12 who is registered as living in the city should have received a COVID-19 vaccination notice in the mail. When you receive it, make sure that you have received both the vaccination tickets and the preliminary health check documents. If you have not yet received your notice, I will give you the phone number you should call a little later. Also, if the address you are at now is different from the address you registered with the city, make sure you go to your ward office to change that.
Once you have received your notice and made a reservation, you will be able to receive your vaccinations. You will receive 2 doses, 3 to 4 weeks apart. You can receive vaccinations at clinics in the area, at the mass vaccination centers in each ward or at the Chuo Wharf Cruise Center. If you choose to go to the Chuo Wharf Cruise Center, there is a free shuttle bus from Tenjin. There are also late night vaccinations available from 10pm to 8 am at the Fukuoka City Hospital.
If you are planning to get vaccinated, make sure you make your reservation in advance.
Please make sure you reserve a day and time before getting your vaccination.
If you can, make reservations for both your first and second vaccination doses on the special reservation website. If making a reservation online is too difficult, reservations can also be made by phone. In order to make a reservation, you must have the number that is printed on your inoculation ticket.
On the day of your vaccination, make sure you have 1 vaccination ticket and your preliminary exam sheet with you, as well as some kind of ID. The vaccination ticket is a sticker, so bring it as it is, on the sheet that it is attached to. DO NOT remove it from the sheet. You will use one preliminary exam sheet and one vaccination sticker at each appointment. Make sure you read the instruction manual before your appointment and fill in all necessary information in advance.
You will be given the vaccine in an area around your shoulder, so make sure you are wearing clothes that allow you to expose your shoulder area easily. Make sure you come wearing a mask.
The prepared number of vaccines must be used on the day, so unless you are feeling ill, please do not suddenly cancel your appointment.
For information on places that are doing inoculations and for the most up to date information from Fukuoka City, check the Fukuoka City homepage.
For more information about the vaccination program or to arrange for your envelope to be sent again, please call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese and Korean.
It will not cost anything to you to get vaccinated. You will not receive a bill for the vaccination. In addition, you will not get phone calls or emails asking for personal information. Please be careful, there have been suspicious phone calls and emails recently.
2021.08.30[Mon] 09:00
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages